By Dr Odette Vos

So many of my friends and family have a sweet tooth. So the dilemma is presenting a healthy dessert, more often expected, after a social gathering. The last thing I want is to give my family and friends Type 2 Diabetes with one bite 😊

So here is my version of a healthier and all-time favourite dessert that is as easy to make (15 minutes to make) as it is healthy. CHOCOLATE MOUSSE with a TWIST.


  • 1 Can (400grams) chickpeas
  • 10 Medjool dates (pit removed)
  • 1 Tablespoon Vanilla essence
  • 1 Tablespoon Coconut essence
  • 1 Slab dark chocolate – use 75% or more dark chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/3 Cup Cocoa powder
  • 250ml Oat milk


  1. Separate the chickpeas from the aquafaba.
  2. Beat the aquafaba with the vanilla essence and coconut essence until a meringue-like consistency with the aquafaba mixture (meringue has peaks). Set aside.
  3. Melt the dark chocolate over a Bain Marie (double boiler) until fully liquid.
  4. While the chocolate melts slowly, mix the drained chickpeas, medjool date (pitted), salt, cocoa powder and oat milk in a blender or hand mixer, and add to the melted chocolate.
  5. Finally, fold the meringue into the chocolate mixture and place into the fridge for at least 4 hours to set.
  6. Can be served with side of fruit, berries and coconut shavings.