By Dr David Glass, MBChB, FCOG(SA), DipIBLM. Those of us who have been around for a while remember the bad old days when cigarette vending machines were found in hospital corridors, and the windows and walls of nurses and doctors tearooms were covered in a thin layer...
The Proof is in the Pudding
By Dr Odette Vos So many of my friends and family have a sweet tooth. So the dilemma is presenting a healthy dessert, more often expected, after a social gathering. The last thing I want is to give my family and...
Homemade Ciabatta Bread
By Dr Roxie Becker If you missed the homemade bread trend during the covid-19 pandemic, this is your sign to get involved! This ciabatta recipe requires no previous bread making experience and will definitely...
Is Exercise Effective at Improving Blood Glucose Control in Diabetes?
Is Exercise Effective at Improving Blood Glucose in Diabetes? By Dr Roxie Becker In the case of type 2 diabetes, there is usually a large emphasis placed on dietary changes, which can be very effective. However, it is also important...